(207) 227-0074

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Gift of Better Health

The Holidays are upon us.  A time we enjoy - but a busy and sometimes stressful time.  Take the time to care for yourself.  Massage therapy can take some of the stress out of the holidays so you can better enjoy all of the festivities.

Don't know what to get that someone special.  Purchase a gift certificate and know they will enjoy a gift of better health.  Who wouldn't like a gift certificate that they can use whenever they like?  Take some of the stress out of your holiday shopping and take some stress out of someone's day with a gift certificate for massage therapy.

Happy Holidays from Allsworth Massage Therapy - and remember - Live Better With Massage.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Summer is gone and the leaves are falling off the trees.  This is such a beautiful time of year.  There is so much color in the trees and the sky seems to be even more blue.  Then there is the crisp air I love so much.  It is a perfect time to get outside and be invigorated.  We are lucky here in New England - we have about 3 months of each season - spring flowers, summer beaches, fall foliage, and winter snow - all beautiful in their own unique way.
Let Massage Therapy help you enjoy life to the fullest.  When your body feels better - it makes your mind feel better - and that makes life more enjoyable.  Massage Therapy is good for your mind and your body.  It reduces stress hormones making you feel more relaxed and rested.  It also helps with many of those little aches and pains that accumulate.  We too often attribute these aches and pains to "getting older" when often they can be managed and minimized.  We do not need to be tired and sore all the time.  Massage Therapy can help.  It is an integral part of overall wellness.  Make it part of your routine.
So take care of your mind and body.  Get out and enjoy the fall foliage - and yes - enjoy the snow too!  Life is full of beauty.  Take care of yourself so you can enjoy it to the fullest!

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Summer is heating up and a lot has happened since my last post.  I am now certified in Combined Decongestive Therapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage by the Dr. Vodder School.  You may think - what???  These therapies can be used in so many ways and for so many things.  It can be helpful for migraines, fibromyalgia, post surgical edemas, sinusitis, skin conditions, stress, and many others.  It is amazing work.  It is a very light technique that works on moving fluid through the lymphatic system.  If you want to know if this technique might help you, give me a call.

The training was in Stowe, Vermont.  It was a beautiful area and I had a great class.  The weather was crazy - rained the whole first week to the point where they had huge flooding in the area - then it snowed - yes I said snow - and did I mention it was late May - and then by the time I came home - 93 and humid!  The pathology teacher was the German doctor who wrote the book we studied from and the hands on teacher was the director of the Vodder School International.  They were both extremely knowledgeable and helped us get the most out of the class.

Anyway, back at home, my husband and I spruced up the outer office area a bit, hanging some artwork on the walls.  We were both amazed at how much more inviting the space appeared - it was always nice space - but now it looks so much nicer.

I still have openings for many weeknights and weekend days so give me a call.  Whether you are looking for traditional Swedish massage, sports massage, or manual lymphatic drainage - we can work together to find what treatment plan will work best for you.

Enjoy the summer and LIVE BETTER WITH MASSAGE!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Spring is here! The flowers are all blooming and everything is fresh and new. Why not add massage therapy to your health care routine? It reduces stress - and as I just read recently - RI is one of the most stressed out states in the country!

Massage therapy is so much more than relaxation. It can be used as an integral part of health maintenance.

People often don't even realize the everyday aches and pains that slowly rob them of their flexibility and mobility. Often I hear someone say they are getting old.  I say - no way! Much of the "getting old" problems are merely inflammations or tight muscles that can be helped by massage therapy. Sure, we are all getting older - but why rush it? Do what you can to keep your body healthy. Massage therapy can help in most cases - to help you feel better so you can live better.

Friday, January 25, 2013


The weather is cold but that doesn't mean life slows down.  I have earned my certification from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, as well as certification from the Vodder School's Spa Body / Wellness program.  The Vodder program currently certifies me to be able to use Manual Lymphatic Drainage as a spa technique and to treat pre and post cosmetic surgery patients.  I intend to continue the Vodder training and will be attending further classes in May that will train me to treat lymphedema as a Complete Decongestive Therapist.  Manual Lymphatic Drainage addresses edemas in the body, from very obvious "swollen ankles" to very minor edemas that can aggravate many other health conditions such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue and even orthopedic issues and arthritis.  I think it is amazing!